Corporate Information
Board Members

Executive Directors
Ms. ZHAO Chengmin (Chairman)
Mr. LIN Weiguo (CEO)
Mr. TIAN Meitan
Mr. XU Yixuan
Non-executive Director
Mr. HUANG Wenzhou
Ms. YE Yanliu
Mr. ZHENG Yongda
Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. WONG Chi Wai
Mr. WONG Tat Yan, Paul
Mr. CHAN Chun Yee
Mr. DAI Yiyi
Board of Committees
Audit Committee
Mr. WONG Chi Wai (Chairman)
Mr. WONG Tat Yan Paul
Mr. CHAN Chun Yee
Mr. DAI Yiyi
Remuneration Committee
Mr. WONG Tat Yan Paul (Chairman)
Mr. WONG Chi Wai
Mr. CHAN Chun Yee
Mr. DAI Yiyi
Nomination Committee
Ms. ZHAO Chengmin (Chairman)
Mr. CHAN Chun Yee
Mr. WONG Chi Wai
Mr. WONG Tat Yan Paul
Mr. DAI Yiyi
Registered Office
P.O. Box 3119 Grand Pavilion
Hibiscus Way, 802 West Bay Road, Grand Cayman
KY1-1205, Cayman Islands
Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong
Office No. 3517, 35th Floor
Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East
Whanchai, Hong Kong
Company Secretary
Mr. Yau Tsz Lun
Authorised Representatives
Mr. LIN Weiguo
Mr. Yau Tsz Lun
Grant Thornton Hong Kong Limited
Principal Registrar and Transfer Office in the Cayman Islands
Vistra (Cayman) Limited

P.O. Box 31119 Grand Pavilion

Hibiscus Way, 802 West Bay Road, Grand Cayman


Cayman Islands

Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office in Hong Kong
Tricor Investor Services Limited
17/F, Far East Finance Centre 16 Harcourt Road,
Hong Kong